Printing your brand logo accurately every time

Using sophisticated web-to-print software we can build your own online link to Flexpress using editable templates of all your regular printed items.

These templates contain fixed and variable fields so in the case of a business card, the overall layout along with your logo and strapline would remain fixed but the contact details on the card could be edited by whoever you give permission to place orders.

Furthermore, you set the rules governing the way orders are processed, approved and invoiced leaving ultimate control with you.

This is the perfect system for companies with multiple sites who need to maintain control over their brand identity whilst eliminating the cost of simple artwork changes and removing the time required for traditional proofing. You can even monitor usage patterns through the systems powerful reporting features.

If you’d like to learn more, please contact us or you can start by trying our simple online demo.

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Just wanted to place on record for the quick turnaround and quality of the Orders of service.

Chris Jackson,

Firstly well done on another excellent QN magazine.
Print quality and make up is superb. Good feedback already.
All logistics professionally sorted!

David Calow,

Thank you the handbook was excellent. A top class job and we are all happy

Robert Bryce,

You did an excellent job for us in July, our customer was delighted, and he's not an easy one to please.

John Burns,

Just wanted to say many thanks again for the continued good service this year.

Jeremy Naylor,

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