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    Quick note to acknowledge receipt of the booklets yesterday, and to say that I'm absolutely delighted with the result - once again, a superb service from Flexpress! I've forwarded your invoice to our finance department with a request that they cough up as soon as possible (they are usually fairly good).

    Ian Miller,

    Wanted to thank you all for your help this year with my print requirements - Flexpress really are terrific printers!

    Emma Swales,

    Just a quick note to say thank you and well done to you and the rest of the crew at Flexpress on the urgent 12pp landscape job you have just produced.
    Quality was spot on and, as it was ready sooner than expected, allowed us to make better use of our own transport.

    Bob Miller,

    Firstly well done on another excellent QN magazine.
    Print quality and make up is superb. Good feedback already.
    All logistics professionally sorted!

    David Calow,

    Just wanted to place on record for the quick turnaround and quality of the Orders of service.

    Chris Jackson,

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